
It was a dark and stormy 2020…

When Omondi's old rowing teammates reconnected

It was fun to talk, but talk is for Harvard people. So we determined to take action, Omondi-style. But what would Omondi do? Peak Bag, of course! So we've been Peak bagging together, across the girdled earth, in celebration of Omondi Obura's indomitable spirit.

Welcome to the 4th Annual Omondi Obura Peak Bag


October 1, 2023


Wherever your spirit takes you. Hike. Bike. Run. Stroll through your neighborhood park. "Peak" is but a metaphor :-)


Please register below to get key event updates and be connected to local Peak Bag groups near you.

Chunk — 2021
Mt. Ararat on Cape Cod, MA - USA
Isabelle — 2021
McMurdo Research Station, ANTARCTICA

Peak Baggers Around the World

Last year we had over 200 participants "bagging peaks" across 7 continents, rejoicing in each other and the outdoors, remembering those we miss, and connecting with new friends (and re-connecting with old ones). This year, we hope you will put your pin on the map!

Past Events

In the name of fun, laughter, connection, friendship, and most of all, the memory of a dear friend who reminds us daily to look after each other when we each need it most, you bagged the finest peaks in the land, far and wide, high and low. TOGETHER. And that made all the difference.