PEAK BAG 3. Together, grateful, upwards!

October 20, 2022
2 min read
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All –

A big, heartfelt thank you and congratulations on making the 3rd annual Omondi Obura Peak Bag a huge success.

It was amazing to see all of the new faces who peak bagged for the first time this year, and all of the returning friends for whom this year was a repeat (re-peak?)… or even a 3-peak!

As just a brief snapshot of what you all accomplished:

·  Over 200 peak baggers

·  Peaks bagged on all 7 continents 

·  Over 45 peaks bagged in the US alone

That so many have been moved to climb so high, together -- in friendship, in camaraderie, and in appreciation for each other – is simply stunning.  Omondi was gone far too soon, but your commitment to adventure leaves no doubt that his spirit lives on.

For any one who either did not have a chance to participate in the live Peak Bag WhatsApp chat, or only saw a piece of it, the full set of pictures and running dialogue can be found here:  Photos: Peak Bag  3. We will follow-up shortly with this year’s round of Peak Bag Awards (assuming that certain creative energies can be kicked into gear!), but we wanted to get you all photos as soon as possible. The stories behind the pictures were even more wonderful…stories of connection and in many cases re-connection.  

Thanks to you we are, always together, onwards and upwards.

All the best,

Peak Bag Team


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